11 short stories for fall to use in High School English classes.

11 Short Stories for Fall for High School English

Fall is the perfect time to incorporate a short story unit into any high school class.  So today I am sharing 11 short stories for fall that are also perfect for high school English classes.

Why use Short Stories in the Fall?

Starting the school year with a short story unit is a great way to make sure that all of your students have the same base of skills.  You can use these stories to focus on reviewing skills and teaching the skills that are key to instruction during the year.

For more, read 5 Amazing Reasons to Teach Short Story Analysis at the Start of the Year.

11 Short Stories for Fall to use in high school English Classes

5 Short Stories that take place during the Fall

1. “The Last Leaf” by O Henry

This is a touching story of sacrifice.  Two young artists live in Greenwich Village artist colony.  One has contracted tuberculosis and is convinced she will die when the last leaf falls from the vine outside her window.

2.  “The Bet” by Anton Chekhov

In November of 1870, two men debate which is worse:  solitary confinement or capital punishment.  And they make a bet of two million dollars.

3.  “Separating” by John Updike

The story of a family in turmoil as the parents have decided to separate after 20 or more years.  It takes place during the summer, but there is something about it that feels autumnal.

4. “Autumntime” by Anthony Lentini

In a dystopian future, a boy sees a live tree for the first time.

5.  “The Open Window” by Saki

Mr. Framton is calling upon a woman he doesn’t know and she is late, but her niece, the perfect hostess, spins a tale of an October afternoon just like this one…

6. “The October Game” by Ray Bradbury

This story begins “He put the guns back into the bureau drawer and shut the drawer.”  Oh and the husband and wife are not really getting along.

11 Short Stories for Fall to use in high school English Classes

5 Short Stories for Fall that are (not very) Scary

1. “Strawberry Spring” by Stephen King

“Strawberry Spring” does not take place in the autumn, it takes place in the spring as the title suggests; however, the foggy, creepy gothic nature of the story makes it perfect short story for fall.

2.  “The Moonlit Road” by Ambrose Bierce

This story tells the story of murder from the three points of view including that of the murdered.

3.  “A Wireless Message” by Ambrose Bierce

A message is brought to the main character through wireless means, but not in the conventional manner.

4.  “A Haunted House” by Virginia Woolf

The house is haunted by a ghostly couple.

5. “The Hand” by Guy de Maupassant

The focus is on the mysterious death of an English man who was known for his love of hunting and his statement “I have also frequently been man-hunting.”

11 Short Stories for Autumn to use in high school English Classes

Short Stories for Fall that High School Students will Love

I have used most of these stories with my own students and can’t wait to try the ones that I found during my research for this post.  If you have favorite short stories for fall in high school English class, leave them in the comments below.

Additional Resources

Gothic Short Stories for High School

Exploring Gothic Poetry in High School English (Smith Teaches 9 to 12)

Shop this Post

“The Last Leaf” paired with “The Faith Cure Man” for developing central idea or theme statements

“The Moonlit Road” close reading for AP Literature

Setting through “A Haunted House”

Syntax and plot through “A Wireless Message”

Gothic Genre Notes, Anchor Charts and Activity

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Jeanmarie McLaughlin at McLaughlin Teaches English

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I help AP Literature and High School English teachers create engaging classrooms so that students will be prepared college and beyond.

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