
Beyond Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets: Activities for HS ELA

One thing that I have observed in recent years is that my students are definitely vocabulary deficient.  We all know that the way to improve vocabulary is through reading and exposure to words.  But the reality of the current student is that they don’t read.  The solution?  Teaching them word parts that can be applied to words they do not know.  But no high school student wants to do Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets.  

But, how do we move beyond using Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets?  Using engaging activities can make all the difference in students acquiring new vocabulary through vocabulary bell ringers and more.

Beyond Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets for high school English classes

7 Activities Beyond Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets

1. Vocabulary Bell Ringers

Presenting one or two roots a day can be a great way around doing Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets.  Students can quickly copy the definition of the roots and some example words.

2. Roots in Context

Helping students see the Greek and Latin Roots in action can be a great way to introduce students to Greek and Latin roots vocabulary.  I write more about it in this post.

3. Make Greek and Latin Roots Tactile

Use cards with roots on one set and a definition on another set.  Then students can match them by playing a traditional match game (cards upside down and you turn two cards over trying to find pairs) or by having them face up and sliding them around to make pairs.

7 Activities for Greek and Latin Roots in High School English

4. Headband Game

This is a spoof on the game where one person holds a card up to their forehead, but cannot see it.  Then other players give them clues as to what is on the card.  Students can hold the roots up and other students can give clues to the definition or words with the roots in it or both.

You can actually make a game with a headband and velcro or just have students hold the cards to their foreheads.

5. Greek and Latin Roots Alphabet Books

This is more of a culminating project because students need to have a bank of roots to work from.  Students create an alphabet book using a root for each letter and then include words that include the root to illustrate it.  This can be done on paper or using slides or Canva.

beyond worksheets for Greek and Latin roots--7 activities for vocabulary in high school English

6. Flashcards for Greek and Latin Roots

Instead of Greek and Latin Roots worksheets, create flashcards or have students create flashcards to practice and review roots.

7. Greek and Latin Roots Mad Libs

So much better than a Greek and Latin Roots worksheet:  Mad Libs where instead of including a part of speech they need to include a word with the root or prefix.

7 Activities beyond Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets

No more Greek and Latin Roots Worksheets

If you are looking to incorporate Greek and Latin roots as a tool for vocabulary in your high school English classes, you are definitely going to want to check out Pencils and Prologues Membership where you can get a bank of 200 Greek and Latin Roots to Use as bell ringers.  No more Greek and Latin Roots worksheets, instead, use ready made bell ringers and flashcards to play games (which you can find in the membership too!).

Want to know more, be sure to grab the Pencils and Prologues Bell Work Sampler of 10 different style of warm ups including Greek and Latin Roots.

Additional Resource

Why Teach Greek and Latin Roots

Teaching Greek and Latin Roots in Context

Tips on Building Vocabulary in High School English (Around the World with Mrs. C)

Free Bell Ringer Sampler including Greek and Latin Roots

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Jeanmarie McLaughlin at McLaughlin Teaches English

Hi, I'm Jeanmarie!

I help AP Literature and High School English teachers create engaging classrooms so that students will be prepared college and beyond.

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